O level English Essay Topics

O level English Essay Topics

FET SYSTEM is also providing essays for these topics. So just write your e-mail addresss on the comment box below and we will send the essays on you e-mail address for free.


Describe the activities of religious people in your country

Act of selfishness that caused unhappiness

A food store in your country suddenly closed and caused great trouble

A rich man unexpectedly lost all his wealth

What do you think people of your age can do to improve life in your country?

The ideal school

Someone had a great disappointment that turned out to be a blessing in disguise

A servant or a worker was badly treated by an employer


Time seems to stand still or go much too quickly

Advertising exerts too great an influence on our daily lives

Keeping fit

Describe an old couple outside your family who live an interesting and happy life

Is it more important to enjoy your job than to earn a great deal of money?

Describe the first hour of a day at school

The owner of a local business takes strong action when threatened by outside competition

You just have one more chance to prove you can do it

Waiting for the results

Keeping cool

Write about occasions when you felt extremely bored

How important is it that people should marry and remain living together permanently

An unfair punishment

He had been dirty, hungry and completely without help. Now there was a chance of a new life

You were called upon to take someone else’s place at the last minute. Describe what happened

Is war ever justified?

Describe a time when efforts to please someone ended in failure

It’s probably too late, but at least we can try

That was the first time and I hope that it will be the last time

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

To whom would you turn for help in an emergency?


Write about a time when the illness of someone you know caused great problems

Some of the difficulties parents experience when they have to divide their time between working and bringing up a family

A new-born baby was found abandoned at a bus stop

A friend asked you to keep a small parcel safe for a while. Later you discovered that it was stolen property

Wasted opportunities


Secret hopes and ambitions

It was obvious that she had never intended to keep her promise

The time when I was given some bad advice

The computer is more of a menace than a blessing. What do you think?

Describe a journey that you particularly enjoyed


Rush hour in the city

A busy eating place

Is population control necessary?

You were on a journey with someone who was suddenly taken ill

We were amazed when we heard how lucky John had been

Write about some of the things that make you proud of your country

The signal

How much of your progress at school is the result of your own ability, good luck or good teaching?

After the accident she seemed to be a completely different person

Is it important that young people should know about the history of their country?

Describe an event which took place in a public park. It can be a real or imaginary event

Whatever happened to him…..

All young people, both male and female, should undertake a period of military or community service

Some people like being alone, others are happiest when they are with a crowd of people.

Describe the suspense of waiting for something or someone to arrive , or of waiting for some event to happen

“After school” Write about this topic interpreting the title in any way you choose

Are rich children always happier than those who come from poorer families?

A crowded shopping centre

How do you entertain yourself in you free time

A telephone call which changed your life

A disappointing holiday

What are the effects of the increased use of motor vehicles?

Television has too great an influence on life today. What are your view?

Celebrating the millennium

Which household tasks are you prepared to do and which do you try to avoid?

They did not see the danger until it was too late

The time when you failed to remember a friend’s birthday

Many students choose to travel overseas to study. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of it

“Saying Goodbye”. Write about this subject in any way you choose

Natural disasters

Grandparents are the most important people in society

An unsuccessful shopping trip

A visit to an amusement park

Describe the scene outside a sports stadium immediately before an important match

Fire- Friend or enemy?

Winners and losers

Describe how a family discussion brought about a happy outcome

Repaying a kindness

Crowds are increasingly difficult to manage. What suggestions do you have for controlling the behavior of large group of people

Running away

I made a mistake in telling him or her about my secret

Bright ideas

We had to carry my friend for the last mile of the expedition

A small child who made an important discovery

Write about something you did recently that helped poor, old person in your neighborhood

Space is the only place left to explore

A talent or skill that you wish to possess and how would you use it

Write about some of the things that make you happy and relaxed at the end of a school day

A person who was injured but kept it a secret and caused her friends great trouble

The new bus driver

Important public building in your area

Challenges of life bring out the best in young people


Describe the sights and sounds during the mid-day break in your school

Write about the disappointments you have felt in your life

A story about a person who entered a competition and surprised everyone by winning it

Caring for a sick person at home

Should entertainers and sports stars be paid such large sums of money? What are you view?

Describe the sights and sounds as students gather on the first morning of a new school term

‘Mother knows best’ what sort of problems do you discuss with your mothers

When a family moved to a new house and found that the keys did not unlock the front door

When an accident in a restaurant led to a very embarrassing situation

Which aspects of your education do you think will be most useful in your adult life?

Animals and birds should never be kept in cages. What is your opinion?

Write about an unexpected partnership that proved to be a success

As soon as I heard the news of the special offer, I knew that I must go

The day your neighbor asked you to look after her young baby while she went in to town

How far do you think young people are influenced by what they see on television and in films?

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? Why does it mean so much to you?

Write about a teacher who made an unfortunate mistake as a result of which student suffered

There is no point in preserving the past. We should be looking to the future

Imagine a reunion with three friends from your schooldays in 10 years time. How will your lives have changed?

A time when you were unable to find a passport for your visit to a foreign country

What a wonderful sound! Write about some of the sounds you like the best and why?

Describe a great celebration that you part in

An occasion when a special meal produced unexpected results

One day you made a bad mistake which upset other people

Should we worry so much about endangered species?

Rivalry between two elderly people

It is said that school uniform gives pupils a sense of identity and encourages good discipline

Write about an occasion when a furious argument took place, based on a case of mistaken identity

Should both parents go out to work when their children are very young?


Describe one of the large shopping malls in Singapore. Why does it attract so many customers?

Describe the busy day of someone who works in your area


Advertising has become too great an influence on young people

An incident which made the customers laugh.

Parents and teachers are partners in education of children.

Serious accident that caused a lot of problem for everyone


Choosing a career is the most important decision in a person’s life

Rating 3.33 out of 5

998 Responsesto “O level English Essay Topics”

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  9. Praba says:

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  10. rachel says:

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  11. Bhanu says:

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    Thanks a ton for this help !!


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  15. Molline Maurz says:

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  16. Rachna says:

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    The site is very helpful for students.Thanks a lot. Please send me an essay on this topic.

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    This is a wonderful website and I need these essays as soon as possible

  25. kainat says:

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    Please send me an essay on this topic.
    Thank u

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    an old couple outside your family that live an interesting and happy life 🙂 thank u so much !

  39. Saadia Naveed says:

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  41. Vim says:

    interesting topics

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    Thank you this website is very helpful

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  45. ram says:

    This is indeed a great idea to help students improve in essay writings. Thank you very much. Much appreciated. God bless you (:

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  48. Bernard says:

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  49. Shahzaib says:

    Topic: after the accident she seemed to be a completely different person.

    Plz send me this essay 🙂

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    please send me this essay.

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    Thank You!

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    Thank You

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    Thank You

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    Your help is really needed 🙂
    Thank you very much 🙂

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  144. Ahmed says:

    thanks 🙂

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  151. Iftikhar Afzal Malik says:

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  152. kindly send me a copy of these essays

  153. zainab says:

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  154. Dorothy says:

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    Thank you.

  155. Malik M Jamil says:

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    thank you

  156. Maira says:

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  157. Tahir says:

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  159. angel says:

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  160. Muhammad Murtaza says:

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    illl be really grateful

  161. Brar Jassi says:

    The topic is what is the importance of disipline in our life?

  162. Basit says:

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  163. Tayyab says:

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  164. Abdul Moiz says:

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  165. Sherlyn says:

    Hi, please email the essays to me at kfaraday22@yahoo.com, thank you 🙂

  166. Grace says:

    Please send me the essays

  167. wrda says:

    Send these essays

  168. Maria Abid says:

    Send me an essay. 🙂

  169. Maria Abid says:

    Please send me an essay.

  170. Ajith says:

    After the accident she seemed to be a completely different person sent me an essay

  171. Moeed says:

    Please send me the essays aswell. Really Need it. 🙂
    Thank you

  172. Naiha says:

    Please send me the essays as well. Will really appreciate it. 🙂
    Thank you

  173. Yueying says:

    Essay plssssssssssssss!

  174. Yueying says:

    Hello could you send essay to my email?Thanks a lot! 😉

  175. Corrine says:

    Hi,pls send essay to my email.thanks

  176. Yueying says:

    pls send all essays to my email!thanks

  177. meera says:

    Please send me essays. Thanks

  178. Noor says:

    My email is Noorhazara01@gmailcom
    Plz send me

  179. Maira says:

    Plz send the essays as soon as possible

  180. pooja says:

    We were amazed when we heard how lucky John had been

    plz send me this essay

  181. musheerah bibi says:

    essay on: describe a busy day of someone who works in your area
    plzzzzzzzzz send me today only ………….i really need it!!!!!!!!!!!have pity on me

  182. Haris Khan says:

    This website is really helpful for olevel students, like me, so can u mail.me the essays?

  183. iqra khalil says:

    Plz send as soon as possible.

  184. Mahbub says:

    Please send me two essays ranging in 500 words on:
    (i) A time when efforts efforts to please someone ended in failure;
    (ii) How much of your progress at school is the result of your own ability, good luck or good teaching?


  185. sneta says:

    plz..i need the essays…thanks.

  186. urmi says:

    please can you send it quickly very good website

  187. NoORi says:

    PLZ can i hv the essay too. It wuld be really helpful. Thank you 🙂

  188. Earnest says:

    Please send me the essays, thank you very much!

  189. Shaila says:

    please mail me essays at my E mail.

  190. Maria says:

    send them urgently!

  191. Nor says:

    Please send me the essays. Thank you very much 🙂

  192. Simba says:

    Please send essays

  193. enas hamed says:

    please send me the esssays

  194. Adeel says:

    Kindly send me Essays only narrative

  195. Irtiza Nadvi says:

    Please send as soon as possible.

  196. Usama says:

    Hello admin, this is my request that i want to be perfect in essay question so please sent me these essays on this email i am eagerly waiting for your response and thanks a lot for your cooperation. usama.niaz01@gmail.com

  197. Mary says:

    Hi, can you send the essays to my email? Thank you 🙂

  198. saim ali says:

    I want this all essays urgently please send me at my email which is: saimnadeem737@Gmail.com

  199. Lola says:

    Hi please email it to me at sunflower_periwinkle@hotmail.com

    Thanks and lots of love,

  200. Anissa says:

    i want the essay . exam is just around the corner

  201. shalini says:

    pls do send me the essays ASAP…it’s quite urgent..sorry n oso thank u…

  202. Lynn says:

    pls help and send all the essays to me. i sincerely thank your generosity. Thank you so Much. It will truely help me out.

  203. Rafia says:

    please send me mail of these essays thanks


  204. Ahadur Rahaman says:

    i need these essay very much..plz send me as quickly as possible

  205. Bryan Timothy says:

    Can you email it to me on timothybryan888@gmail.com

  206. Ayan says:

    Please send me the essays asap

  207. riven says:

    Plz send me all the essays.thx

  208. Pinky says:

    Send me the essays please

  209. Aksala says:

    E-mail me the essays asap!
    pretty please.I have my examinations tomorrow!

  210. rehana says:

    Important public building in your area

    Challenges of life bring out the best in young people
    “Saying Goodbye”. Write about this subject in any way you choose

    Natural disasters

    Grandparents are the most important people in society

    An unsuccessful shopping trip

    A visit to an amusement park
    A crowded shopping centre

    How do you entertain yourself in you free time
    Television has too great an influence on life today. What are your view?

    Celebrating the millennium
    The computer is more of a menace than a blessing. What do you think?

    Describe a journey that you particularly enjoyed
    Write about some of the things that make you proud of your country..

    please send me the essays on these topics

  211. kelvin says:

    Please send the email… Thanks in advance

  212. ayla qadri says:

    plz send the essays

  213. Abdul Razzak says:

    Please send the essays to


    Abdul Razzak

  214. Janerine says:

    Plz send the essays to me. =)
    Thanks with appreciation.

  215. Tehmina Lodhi says:

    Please send the essays

  216. Bushra says:

    Thank u soo much in advance for sending email

  217. i says:

    Challenges of life bring out the best in young people
    Should entertainers and sports stars be paid such large sums of money? What are you view?

  218. Cherize says:

    I would appreciate if you could send the essays to me 🙂 Thanks a lot.

  219. Ana says:

    Please send me the essays 🙂 God bless.

  220. laiba inatar says:

    please send me the essays as soon as possible

  221. umair says:

    send me the essays on umair3hassan@gmail.com

  222. Sabrina says:

    Please send me the essays.
    Thank you so much!

  223. maria sadaf says:


  224. sun says:

    hey.. so i found this site really helpful and i will be very glad if you guys send me the essay on”advertising has become too great an influence on young people” by the next one hour. thank you!!

  225. Cheranne says:

    Please send

  226. Cheranne says:

    Please send & Thank You!

  227. Abdullah says:

    Send the essays for o-level as soon as possible

  228. Melvin says:

    Please send me the essays 😀

  229. Maw20 says:

    Plz mail me the essay as soon as possible

  230. Khan says:

    Please send me essays

  231. Crystalgirl says:

    Send the essay please!!

  232. Fatima says:

    I would like the essays to be sent 9n my email address. Thankyou. 🙂

  233. Maaz says:

    Please send me the essays as soon as possible.

  234. shu says:

    kindly send me essays, and Thanks for all your efforts

  235. ASAD says:


    send me essays

  236. Abdul wahab says:

    Plzz send me these essayss all. Plzzz

  237. someone says:

    Could you please email me this essay ASAP ?
    Topic: You were on a journey with someone who was suddenly taken ill

  238. Laiba ihsan says:

    I need an essay for 200 to 300 words.
    “After a bus journey you arrived at your relatives home to stay for a few days. You find that you have picked the wrong bag……
    Write an account of what happened.”
    Please. Its urgent!

  239. Anessa says:

    Hi,can you please send me the essays?

    Thanks a lot!

  240. Miss Sid says:

    i need essay regardng the topic” he had been dirty ,hungry and completely hopless”

  241. umair says:


  242. Reddy says:

    Please send the essays to my mail id! Thanks in advance!

  243. kuldeep says:

    hello sir/madam
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    thank you

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    Thank you!

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  255. Alia says:

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    Thanks a lot.


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    tnxs in advance

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  271. Khizra says:

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    1. Grandparents
    2. Secret hopes and ambition

    Thank you.

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  276. huimun says:

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  286. naseer says:

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  287. Ferguson says:

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  288. Hafsa Ali says:


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  321. This website is really very helpful


  322. Maryam Naseera says:

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  324. Fina says:

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  326. Gloria says:

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  331. Sid says:

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  332. Saleem Akhter says:

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  333. Zeey says:

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  336. Jonathan says:

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  342. ash says:

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  343. Sahil Hossain says:

    Email Asap
    Thank You

  344. kelly says:

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  345. Xiao says:

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  346. Huda says:

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  347. Tahmid says:

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  348. Jean says:

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  349. azmat says:

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  350. Deepa says:

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  351. Lakshna says:

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  352. Clement Ong says:

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  353. Maria says:

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  354. Jun Ming says:

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  355. hannan says:

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  357. shan says:

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  358. Apu says:

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  359. Shantosh says:

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  360. Michaelia says:

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  361. Kai qi says:

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  362. James says:

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  363. Raymond Mariadass says:

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  364. iqra iqbal says:

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  365. iqra iqbal says:

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  366. Frank says:

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  367. Frank says:

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  368. Frank says:

    Pls email the essays

  369. Henry fuad says:

    Please send me the essays. Thank you.

  370. Aleena says:

    Topic: that was the first time and i hope that it will be the last
    Please send me the essay on this email:

  371. Hina Mansoor says:


  372. Shakeera says:

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  373. Shodz says:

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  374. Guri says:

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  375. Neko neko says:

    I need the essay “when I was at last alone, I felt surprisingly happy”

  376. Zainsaqib says:

    Plz. Send me for
    Write a story based on following ” HERE is a chance to start a new life,after few months indeed life was blissful
    A person entered competition and surprised everyone

  377. Zainsaqib says:

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  378. Pls email me essays says:

    Was helpfull

  379. Sufyan says:

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  381. Hassan says:

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  382. Ibraheem says:

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  383. elika says:

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  384. Arfa says:

    Please send these topics

  385. Fareed says:

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  386. Midori says:

    Pls send essay on the time when I was given a bad advice.thank you.

  387. Nasir Shah says:

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  388. Simran says:

    Hi… please send me the topics.

  389. Elishba says:

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  390. tarang says:

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  391. tarang says:

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  392. A Saliba says:

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    Thanks in advance.

  393. Rifat says:

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  394. Jay says:

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  395. Abrar zahin says:

    This website is helpful for students. I will give CIE GCE O Level English Language Exam on May/June 2017. Please send me the some English essays to practise for my exam.
    Thanking you
    Abrar zahin

  396. Syed Moinuddin says:

    I need essay on ” How much of your progress at school is the result of your own ability,good luck or good teaching?

  397. Raiyan says:

    Please send me the essays

  398. umar says:

    please send me those essays

  399. umar says:

    please send me those essays……..

  400. umar says:

    sir/mam please send it as early as you can…Need those essays..

  401. umar says:

    i would love to receive those essays thanks.
    my email:ahmad12345khattak@gmail.com

  402. Ayesha says:

    Essays essays please!!

  403. sunita says:

    please send me sample of emails for topics mentioned above.thks for your help

  404. Harum Mohsin says:

    please mail me the essay!!!

  405. Saman sharif says:

    Plz email me this eassy for my english pratice thankyou !!

  406. Saman sharif says:

    Plz send me email thankyou!!

  407. Thomas Yeow says:

    Hi! Please email me the essays. Thanks.

    Email: Thomasytk.econs@gmail.com

  408. Maha says:

    Kindly email me the eassays

  409. Laeeq Ahmed says:

    Kindly send me the descriptive essays with word limit of 300 to 350 words.


  410. khan says:

    kindly send me essays.

  411. khan says:

    essays pls

  412. Jm says:

    Please give me the essay

  413. Mahen Unathras says:

    Kindly send me the essays, please.

  414. please send me essays.

  415. Lorshani says:

    Plse mail me the essays on the topics mentioned above.

  416. Lorshani says:

    If possible send me an essay on
    “How dumping affect our village”
    Thanks in advance

  417. Ahsan says:

    plz email me essay of last year only

  418. Angeliki says:

    Please send me the essays.
    Thank you

  419. Zannat says:

    Send me essays regularly if possible. 🙂

  420. Evon says:

    Please send me essays as much as possible

  421. karim says:

    I would really appreciate if i gets all the essay. I will also like to have all the essays of olevel past papers

  422. please send me the essays. Thanks

  423. saad says:

    Hi ,
    I am looking forward to your reply .Please,message me the esaays on saad793931426@gmail.com

  424. kamal says:

    Please email me essay on what are your strengths and weaknesses” . thanks

  425. Kaavya says:

    Pls mail me the essays. thanks

  426. Kal says:

    pls email me the essays ASAP. if possible, before the olevel may june 2017 starts which is a month from now on. Thank you! 🙂

  427. Nur aaina says:

    Every essay if possible, i failed my eng and i really need some guidance

  428. Wajiha says:

    Plz send me essays 🙂

  429. Hassan says:

    I need a couple of essays for ordinary levels
    Provide that plz

  430. munashe chitsa says:

    please e-mail me

  431. Adish says:

    “A friend asked you to keep a small parcel safe for a while. Later you discovered that it was stolen property”

  432. Uswa says:

    Plz email me the essays

  433. Sidra says:

    Please email me ASPA,Thanks.

  434. Sohaib says:

    Please send me essays

  435. Ahnaf says:


  436. Ahnaf says:

    Pls send essays

  437. rukhsar says:

    please email me the essays as soon as possible
    -Thank you.

  438. Abeel Baeem says:

    Plzz send me all the topics

  439. Raiyan says:

    Pls email me asap.tnx

  440. Tashfeen says:

    Please send me the essays as soon as possible as I am having my O levels in five days. Thanks in advance.

  441. Deepthika says:

    please send me the following essays Parents

    Describe the activities of religious people in your country

    Act of selfishness that caused unhappiness

    A food store in your country suddenly closed and caused great trouble

    A rich man unexpectedly lost all his wealth

    What do you think people of your age can do to improve life in your country?

    The ideal school

    Someone had a great disappointment that turned out to be a blessing in disguise

    A servant or a worker was badly treated by an employer


    Time seems to stand still or go much too quickly

    Advertising exerts too great an influence on our daily lives

    Keeping fit

    Describe an old couple outside your family who live an interesting and happy life

    Is it more important to enjoy your job than to earn a great deal of money?

    Describe the first hour of a day at school

    The owner of a local business takes strong action when threatened by outside competition

    You just have one more chance to prove you can do it

    Waiting for the results

    Keeping cool

    Write about occasions when you felt extremely bored

    How important is it that people should marry and remain living together permanently

    An unfair punishment

    He had been dirty, hungry and completely without help. Now there was a chance of a new life

    You were called upon to take someone else’s place at the last minute. Describe what happened

    Is war ever justified?

    Describe a time when efforts to please someone ended in failure

    It’s probably too late, but at least we can try

    That was the first time and I hope that it will be the last time

    What are your strengths and weaknesses?

    To whom would you turn for help in an emergency?


    Write about a time when the illness of someone you know caused great problems

    Some of the difficulties parents experience when they have to divide their time between working and bringing up a family

    A new-born baby was found abandoned at a bus stop

    A friend asked you to keep a small parcel safe for a while. Later you discovered that it was stolen property

    Wasted opportunities


    Secret hopes and ambitions

    It was obvious that she had never intended to keep her promise

    The time when I was given some bad advice

    The computer is more of a menace than a blessing. What do you think?

    Describe a journey that you particularly enjoyed


    Rush hour in the city

  442. Ibraheem says:

    Please send me the essays about 1) an occasion when a special meal produced unexpected results 2) when a family moved to their new house and found the keys didn’t unlock the front door and 3) a small child who made an important discovery

    Please send at your earliest at

    Yours Sincerely

  443. Ananya says:

    Pls send de essays… it would be a great help!

  444. Idrees says:

    Please email me the essays as quick as possible
    Email is idrees20020@outlook.com

  445. Takesure Pambuka says:


    I need the essays.

  446. Candy grima says:

    Kindly please send me the essays, as soon as possible.

    Thanks in advance.

  447. ayodya says:

    please send me the essays today.thank you.

  448. madi says:

    please send me the essays

  449. Busarutally Fezal says:

    Please send me the essay as soon as possible as my son is taking part for o level cambridge. Thanks in advance

  450. Shiraz says:

    Please send me the essays. TIA

  451. Clarence says:

    Please send me essays. Many Thanks.

  452. Malita says:

    I like to get some more topics for the ielts speaking part 3

  453. sadeem says:

    please send

  454. Zhi Yi says:

    Please send me all the topics.Thanks.

  455. thabani m chimbwanda says:

    kindly send me the Essays

  456. Abdul Moiz says:

    Assalam-o-alaikum: please also send me these essays.

  457. Abu sufiyan says:

    please Give me the essays.

  458. WH Kwok says:

    Please send me, thanks

  459. Rajinder says:

    Please send me the essays

  460. Samirah says:

    pls send me all the topic thanks 🙂

  461. Ahsan says:

    I want an essay of repaying a kindness and narrate your secrets and hopes

  462. Shying says:

    Hi, model essays would be a great help, thank you!

  463. Kai Hiwatari says:

    Please send me all the topics, Thanks

  464. Ntabazi says:

    thanks so much for the topics, please send me the essays. thank you.

  465. Azam says:

    Its very helpful for pakistani students who are trying to improe and test their language skill for o level

  466. Manahil Mazhar says:

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  467. Hasaan says:

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  468. Pargat singh says:

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  472. Kai Hiwatari says:

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  473. Mutehir Ahmed says:

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    rebel against your parents or teacher

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  475. Ash says:

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  476. Bushra Khalid says:

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  477. Lubna says:

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  478. Sara says:

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  479. Nakul says:

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    Really need them

  480. yash deajee says:

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  481. Fatema Khan says:

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  482. H.P.M.Silva says:

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  483. H.P.M.Silva says:

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  484. Nirnoy Charisma says:

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  485. Vincent says:

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    Best rtegards

  486. A.K.W.Pyiyadarshani says:

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    thank you

  487. Aamir Shehzad says:

    Thank you so much for this help

  488. jagisver says:

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  490. fahd says:

    Describe the sights and sounds during the mid-day break in your school? plz send essay for the above toic

  491. Rara says:

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  492. Rara says:

    Please send me the essays. my email is onesha42@gmail.com

  493. Aa says:

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  494. Aaa says:

    Email me all these essays and stories please – and this one too

    Describe some of the ways in which you have changed since you started your present school and some of the ways in which your personality remains the same

  495. as minnathulla says:

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    my class teacher

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  498. D J Sengupta says:

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  499. Abdullah umer says:

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  500. SHEEBA says:




  501. SHREYA says:


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  508. Pavanisha says:

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  513. Amna Imran says:

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  514. send me essays please

  515. Abdullah says:

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  516. Ashmal says:

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  517. Humza Rizwan says:

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  518. Lianne says:

    Could you please email me all the essays . Thank you

  519. Hassan Raza says:

    Please send essays

  520. Eman says:

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  521. Eman says:

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  522. Leo says:

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  523. Ankush says:

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  525. Laiba says:

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    Will be very thankful to you. ..

  526. Shakill says:

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  527. Naila says:

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  531. Noaman says:


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  543. Ali Malik says:

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  544. ali says:

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  546. Blah blah says:

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  549. Brinda says:

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  552. Eshan Ansari says:

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  554. Van says:


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  556. Michel says:

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  557. Ayesha Nadeem says:

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    at Ayeshanadeem1104@gmil.com

  558. Katie says:

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