Active voice- Simple present tense rules

Sentence: I eat food.

In the above sentence I is the subject, eat is the verb and food is the object.

1st form of verb: eat, 2nd form of verb: ate, 3rd form of verb: eaten


Positive sentence

(I, We, They, You) as a subject

Subject+ 1st form of verb+ object


I eat food.

We eat food.

They eat food.

You eat food.


(He, She, It) as a subject

Subject+ 1st form of verb +s/es+ object


He eats food.

She eats food.

It eats food.


Negative sentence

(I, We, They, You) as a subject

Subject+do+not+1st form of verb+ object


I do not eat food.

We do not eat food.

They do not eat food.

You do not eat food.


(He, She It) as a subject

Subject+does+not+1st form of verb+ object


He does not eat food.

She does not eat food.

It does not eat food.



Interrogative sentence

 (I, We, They, You) as a subject

Do + subject+ 1st form of verb + object


Do I eat food?

Do we eat food?

Do they eat food?

Do you eat food?


(He, She, It) as a subject

Does+ subject +1st form of verb+ object?


Does he eat food?

Does she eat food?

Does it eat food?






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3 Responsesto “Active voice- Simple present tense rules”

  1. Lecture was very successful. Thanks dude 😉

  2. Mia says:

    examples are just all about eat………… can’t thinkk of more examples?

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