FET SYSTEM is the largest IELTS preparation center in the world. Log on to www.fetsystem.com and get all the IELTS preparation material for free! IELTS result for 26 May 2012 has been announced. I would recommend all of you to visit the website to view your result. If you cannot visit your website then that means that they result has not been announced yet. It takes about 13 days for the result to be published on the internet. You will have to provide some essential information about yourself to view your result. In case you do not find your result you should contact British council or IDP and we are sure they will be able to solve your problem regarding your IELTS result.

FET SYSTEM is the largest IELTS preparation center in the world. Log on to www.fetsystem.com and get all the IELTS preparation material for free!

Hey guys the result has been announced. You will have to provide the following information and then you will be able to view your result. If you want to find out your result then you will have to put your test date, date of birth, identification document number and the candidate number. You will then be able to get your result.


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